Compare FEHB Plans
Find information on health and other insurance programs from OPM.
Health Benefits Election Form
Visit OPM for the online health benefits election form.
Postal Support Employee (PSE) Enrollment Forms
Visit USPS LiteBlue to download enrollment forms required for PSE employees.
Employee Cost Acknowledgement Form
Review enrollment guidelines established by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) for noncareer employees.
Temporary Continuation of Coverage
Explore guidelines from OPM for Temporary Continuation of Coverage.
Health Insurance Marketplace
Visit the Health Insurance Marketplace to compare plans outside of the FEHB and PSHB Programs.
Bariatric surgery medical policy
View the complete medical policy for APWU Health Plan members who need bariatric surgery to treat obesity.
2025 Consumer Driven Option Preferred Formulary
View the national preferred drug formulary to see a list of preferred alternatives for drugs that the plan does not cover.
High Option explainer video
Watch the High Option explainer video to understand plan benefits and coverage information.